We know that consumers are looking for and we want to support your efforts to lead the way! The success of your Garden Center is our main priority. Every decision made to introduce exciting new offerings to the market is made with you in mind. We’re motivated to help you stock your shelves all season long with Proven Winners® and committed to delivering everything your business needs to thrive, all by focusing on three overarching promises….


Gorgeous plants from superior Genetics


Industry-leading packaging


Vast selection, best product availability, order accuracy and precise delivery

Over 40 Years of
Plant Growing Experience

Four Star Greenhouse has been working with growers, retailers, garden retailers, and professional landscapers to provide high-quality young plants and finished crops for over 40 years. As a founding member of the Proven Winners® brand, Four Star Greenhouse invests heavily in research and development and has bred many outstanding Proven Winners® and Proven Selections® brand plants.

The Proven Winners® premium grower and retail programs offered by Four Star Greenhouse include:

These programs are designed to deliver more profit per square foot for operations and give customers gardening success.

Planting the Initial Seed for
Four Star Greenhouse – 1977

Four Star Greenhouse began as Smith’s Greenhouse in 1977 when Tom Smith started growing plants in Carleton, Michigan, and focused mostly on finished crops of bedding plants from seed sold at markets. In 1982, Smith started producing starter plants or “plugs” to sell to growers. Four Star’s growing operations grew from the initial 60,000 square feet to approximately 140,000 square feet (now the Indian Trail Road facility), with Tom and Sharon Smith becoming the founders and respective president and vice president of the new company, Four Star Greenhouse Inc.

The Continuation of
Four Star’s Growth

Today, Four Star Greenhouse has over 20 acres of indoor growing area and four additional acres of outdoor growing space at the Carleton, Michigan headquarters. Three recent greenhouse growing areas have been added for expanded production of annuals, perennials, and shrubs. The award-winning display gardens are open to the public and industry professionals in summer months.
Our retail team is here to help you whenever you’re ready. Please visit our Retail Team page to contact your respective representative by region.

To learn more, or contact us, please visit our contact us page.

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